Finding Your Soul Mate, Again

Bruce Von Stiers

There is an adage about finding your soul mate. But what if you really could find your soul mate, even finding them again after death? That is the premise of an upcoming short film titled, appropriately, Soul Mates.

Sean is a man in his 60's. He gets a cancer prognosis that he's only got six months left. He talks things over with his significant other, Abby. They decide to spend that time traveling.

But what if they could meet again, in another lifetime? They come up with a plan, using names, places, and other items to say to each other in recognition. But will that really work? Could two people so much in love be re-connected with their souls in other people's bodies?

The film builds on that premise and cultivates it in scenes at a coffee shop. Poppy and Nigel seem to know each other. But do they really?

Jim Sea is Sean. He has acted in several short films and a few features. He has also produced a few films and wrote screenplays for several as well. He wrote the screenplay for this film and was an executive producer for it. Kristine Isom is Abby. Per IMDB this is Kristine's first screen credit.

Sydney Carvill is Poppy. She previously starred in Like Totally, Dark Cycle Keep In The Dark and several other films. Josh Horton is Nigel. His credits include an episode of Better Call Saul and the first episode of the new Emma Stone series, The Curse.

Other actors in the film were Ian A. Hudson, Otgadahe Whitman-Fox, Tammy Farrow, Lillian Totentino, Angela Atchley and James Torres.

The director was Michelle Tomlinson. She has over thirty acting credits, including films such as Blood Tales and Axe To Grind. She also starred in the series Kung Fu Femmes. Michelle produced and directed an episode of Deeply Superficial and directed the film Redemption. Tiffany Cole was the first assistant director. She has directed a couple of other films and has over twenty screen credits as an actor.

Terry Futschik was the line producer. She has helped produce several short films and acted in several short and feature films. The cinematographer was Orlando Skidmore. His previous cinematography credits include episodes of Irish in Albuquerque and short films such as Blame It On Brazil.

The music for the film was by Hali Duran. She composed music for the short film The Journey Home, which she also directed. Tom Ragan edited the film and Carma Harvey was the production designer. Jacqueline Harvey was the set designer and Emma Bronti was the makeup artist.

The only downfall of the film is the travel sequences, where you can tell they used a green screen effect. But the rest of the cinematography was well done, and the acting was excellent.

Soul Mates hit a strong chord with me. Being so much in love with someone that you want to be with them for eternity, if your souls could somehow re-connect, brought forth some real heart-tugging emotions. It made me think of someone I know who wore his wedding ring for years after his wife died. What if he can find his wife again? What if their souls could re-connect after he dies?

Soul Mates is a terrific, heart-tugging romance film. I would highly recommend it.

The film is currently being submitted to various film festivals. There is also a trailer for the film on YouTube. You can check out the trailer at

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